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Unread 18th September, 2007, 07:53 PM
SoNY_scarface SoNY_scarface is offline
Holy Shit!!
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Default take a chill pill... else was i supposed to find the thread? without asking you ....whats the need to throw around threats...i apologised and u replied with dont reply or ull get another infraction....try to relax a lil....

Unread 18th September, 2007, 09:33 PM
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I got a warning also, because I use the "new post" feature of the forums, and wrote directly in the thread I read.

Maybe the UTAN ban stuff shouldnt show up there?

I know NOW, that I wasnt supposed to write there, tnx to a 1 point infraction I got in a PM, but if I get the ban up, when I check for new forumposts, and read, and disagree, sure, I post, immidiatly.

I dont go back to read a forumstickie, when I already are reading a post, tnx to the "new posts" feature of the forums, would you?
Unread 18th September, 2007, 10:42 PM
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Wormbo Wormbo is offline
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We can't keep ban appeals hidden away from normal users. UTAN users (i.e. server admins) who placed the bans must be able to see and reply to them, and they are regular forum users like you.

We have put the reply rules in a sticky thread in the ban appeals forum because we want to let people know that they should not interfer with the appeals unles they are somehow involved or can give useful information, which you two definitely didn't.
Let's suppose you are a police officer who just stopped a car and had to take away the driving license because of blood alcohol. How would you react to people who just walked by and told you to give the license back and that you are stupid?
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Unread 19th September, 2007, 12:07 AM
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Originally Posted by Wormbo View Post
We can't keep ban appeals hidden away from normal users. UTAN users (i.e. server admins) who placed the bans must be able to see and reply to them, and they are regular forum users like you.
Well, if they are regular forum users like me, why dont you let them subscribe to the UTAN forum? That way they see as soon as they wake up, and check their e-mail, that something needs their attention?

If their unrealadmin profile dont have an up-to-date e-mail, its up to them, dont you think?

Yes, I'm pissed off, at what I think is an unfair warning, that was made possible by YOUR way of using the forum shortcuts.

I am, though, very thankful for the time you have put into the anticheat thingie, and that you still are around, so dont get me wrong.

Let's suppose you are a police officer who just stopped a car and had to take away the driving license because of blood alcohol. How would you react to people who just walked by and told you to give the license back and that you are stupid?
Well, by your way of reasoning there, if I was unaware of speeding, and no signs said 50, I would appreciate to get a ticket, right?

We have put the reply rules in a sticky thread in the ban appeals forum because we want to let people know that they should not interfer with the appeals unles they are somehow involved or can give useful information, which you two definitely didn't.
Well, like I said, if you bothered to read, I could, without a warning, read the thread, and post there, by going through the "New posts"'s not that hard to make a warning turn up when you press a "submit reply" button, is it?

Last edited by [0]Patte_the_Swede : 19th September, 2007 at 12:22 AM.
Unread 19th September, 2007, 02:47 AM
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Wormbo, I'm sorry that I got all fired up, but I really think that before posting in any part in the UTAN forums, as you can see all new threads by using the "show new threads" function when you are registered, should get a message like: "Are you really sure you want to post, read our postingrules here <insert the link>, you might get a forumwarning if you dont apply to the rules"

It might not be that people post in those threads usually, but now it happened, and it wasnt just me, so when people who are registered here see a ban for someone they have been used to read on these forums, or any other legit forums (legit in the way that it is indeed a PLAYER forum, with tips about the games, not forums made by botters or that kind), newbies in these forums..

I, myself, have been a registered member of these forums since June 2004, and I have never annoyed anyone here, if you dont call asking for help/discussing some gamesettings I dont like, and so on.

If my warning still stands, fine by me, but, pls think a little about my ideas so this wont happen to more people.
Unread 19th September, 2007, 03:37 AM
GerbilFood GerbilFood is offline
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Calm down, it's only a forum infraction.
Unread 19th September, 2007, 04:53 AM
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If you translate "infraction" to swedish, it means "crime", thats why i got fired up.

No harm done.
Unread 19th September, 2007, 09:13 AM
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An "infraction" (to be translated like "violation" or "breach", not like "crime") is given for a violation of forum rules. The forum rules are a bit like a law, if you violate them you get an infraction, similar to a ticket you get for speeding.
Wormbo's UT/UT2004/UT3 mods | PlanetJailbreak | Unreal Wiki | Liandri Archives
<@Mych|Lockdown> ...and the award for the most creative spelling of "Jailbreak" goes to ... "Gandis Jealbrake Server"
Unread 19th September, 2007, 02:22 PM
SoNY_scarface SoNY_scarface is offline
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ok but theres still no need to say post again and ull get another or soemthing when im just trying to apologise and make u aware that i wasnt aware of the rules......


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