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26th October, 2007, 10:14 PM
Killing Spree
Join Date: Feb 2007
Posts: 16
Ban #16209
1. Nickname used at time: °UñStøPPäßLé°
2. Ip:
3. Guid: 3B5A0C79-58AAA1AA-F2A6332D-DE7C3E45
4. A valid e-mail:
5. An explaination: Ok, i was playing on a server with my friends, and a admin banned me for no reason what ever. And the next thing i know i am banned? can you please help me with this. I am the only one who used this cd-key and im really pissed off to why i was banned  P.s: i can explain further

26th October, 2007, 03:14 PM
Join Date: Jan 2005
Posts: 15,637
This is an automated response...
Listing data for ban #16209:
This is a global UTAN ban.
Offender: Dutchvale
Ban Date: 2007-10-26 19:12:48
GUID: 3b5a0c79-********-********-de7c3e45
IP: 213.202.137.*
Country: Ireland
Host: ???-???-???-??
Admin: Limited
Reason: Aimbot
Irish {V][M} Members Dùtchvâlé and Kronikiz: potential warez key users; seem to like DoSing UT2004 servers, too
There are no other global bans affecting this GUID.
3 non-global bans also affecting this GUID:
GISP Ban #5344:
Offender: none
Ban Date: 2005-03-22 17:02:34
IP: 81.70.6.*
Country: Netherlands
Admin: {HCG}Sniper
Reason: Aimbot
Evidence: log
Other Info: Found suspicious Function name 'TriggerBot' in class 'X.X'
GISP Ban #5350:
Offender: yomama
Ban Date: 2005-03-22 17:09:15
IP: 81.70.6.*
Country: Netherlands
Admin: {HCG}Sniper
Reason: Aimbot
Evidence: log
Other Info: Found suspicious Function name 'TriggerBot' in class 'X.X'
GISP Ban #16206:
Offender: Dutchvale
Ban Date: 2007-10-25 18:44:55
Reason: Other
returning while banned with a new cd-key
Remember that ban dates not neccessarily reflect the date of the offence that was the reason for a ban.
Note: Not all admins watch this forum, so you may have to contact the server admin responsible for this ban directly. Either contact the admin through the e-mail address specified in the server details (as seen in UT2004's server browser) of the server you are banned from or go to the forum of the clan running the server and post your appeal there.
(tracker data follows in next post)

26th October, 2007, 03:14 PM
Join Date: Jan 2005
Posts: 15,637
Listing tracker data for 3b5a0c79-********-********-de7c3e45[code] 32 names found for 17 IPs.
IP: 213.202.134.* Country: Ireland
Host: - - -
Name: Dutchvale Last used: 15/10/2007 20:16 (used 2 times)
oXide.°UñStøPPäßLé° 15/10/2007 20:58 (used 5 times)
IP: 213.202.137.* Country: Ireland
Host: - - -??
Name: Dutchvale Last used: 24/10/2007 19:56 (used 8 times)
IP: 213.202.139.* Country: Ireland
Host: - - -
Name: Dutchvale Last used: 16/10/2007 21:56 (used 3 times)
IP: 213.202.161.* Country: Ireland
Host: - - -
Name: Dutchvale Last used: 16/10/2007 21:16 (used 6 times)
oXide.°UñStøPPäßLé° 16/10/2007 20:32 (used 3 times)
IP: 213.202.169.* Country: Ireland
Host: - - -??
Name: oXide.°UñStøPPäßLé° Last used: 25/10/2007 17:15

26th October, 2007, 03:19 PM
Killing Spree
Join Date: Feb 2007
Posts: 16
What the fuck, I wasnt even using a aimbot or anything, all i used was a bloody Anim Autotaunter, And im going to get banned because i had a autotaunter?
And i only have this cd-key for something like 1 week now, and Vardy decides to add a ban, WTF

26th October, 2007, 03:21 PM
Killing Spree
Join Date: Feb 2007
Posts: 16
Originally Posted by CaptainBumFluff
What the fuck, I wasnt even using a aimbot or anything, all i used was a bloody Anim Autotaunter, And im going to get banned because i had a autotaunter?
And i only have this cd-key for something like 1 week now, and Vardy decides to add a ban, WTF
And i dont have a clue how anybody else could be using it other then me 

26th October, 2007, 04:16 PM
Killing Spree
Join Date: Feb 2007
Posts: 16
So i got a new key, and he decides to get me banned, hell if i knew he(Vardy) had admin on that blood server i wouldnt have ever gone near it. Clearly this is abuse of power.

26th October, 2007, 05:45 PM
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 97
my ban is based upon these previous bans
GISP bans:
Global Bans:
which are all YOU. These are either for stolen/warez keys and/or aimbotting. The IPs can be linked back to you also for previous bans.
<Wormbo> meh, now I remember why I stopped working on it about 3 years ago
<Wormbo> my code makes me angry
<Wormbo> it's utter crap

26th October, 2007, 06:10 PM
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 97
also tried to have ban removed before this Appeal on my forum. Foul language and racist remarks dont get you any sympathy
<Wormbo> meh, now I remember why I stopped working on it about 3 years ago
<Wormbo> my code makes me angry
<Wormbo> it's utter crap

27th October, 2007, 05:49 AM
Join Date: Jan 2005
Posts: 15,637
This is an automated response...
Listing ban updates since 2007-10-26 21:15:
1 updated global bans affecting this GUID:
Global Ban #16209:
Offender: Dutchvale
Ban Date: 2007-10-26 19:12:48
Admin: Limited
Reason: Aimbot
Irish {V][M} Members Dùtchvâlé and Kronikiz: potential warez key users; seem to like DoSing UT2004 servers, too
Other Info: Also see bans #5344, #5350 and #16206.

27th October, 2007, 06:14 AM
Join Date: Jan 2005
Posts: 15,637
This is an automated response...
Listing ban updates since 2007-10-27 11:50:
1 updated non-global bans affecting this GUID:
GISP Ban #16210:
Offender: yomama
Ban Date: 2007-10-27 12:12:31
IP: 81.70.6.*
Country: Netherlands
Admin: Vulcano
Reason: Aimbot
Found suspicious Function name 'TriggerBot' in class 'X.X'
Other Info: [2005-03-08 22:24:31] - [Player List] yomama [ 3b5a0c79-********-********-de7c3e45 ] IP: 81.70.6.* Security ID: 13 using engine version3339 on Windows with D3DRenderDevice, security state: AntiTCCSecurity
[2005-03-08 22:24:31] - [INSECURScLIENT] yomama [ 3b5a0c79-********-********-de7c3e45 ] IP: 81.70.6.* Security ID: 13 using v3339
[2005-03-08 22:24:31] - Found suspicious Function name 'TriggerBot' in class 'X.X'
[2005-03-08 22:24:31] - [Disconnect] yomama [ 3b5a0c79-********-********-de7c3e45 ] IP: 81.70.6.* Security ID: 13 using v3339
[2005-03-08 22:24:54] - [Connect] yomama [ 3b5a0c79-********-********-de7c3e45 ] IP: 81.70.6.* Security ID: 14
[2005-03-08 22:25:00] - [Init] yomama [ 3b5a0c79-********-********-de7c3e45 ] IP: 81.70.6.* Security ID: 14 using engine version3339 on Windows with D3DRenderDevice
[2005-03-08 22:25:06] - [Status] Ignoring spectator yomama [ 3b5a0c79-********-********-de7c3e45 ] IP: 81.70.6.* Security ID: 14 using v3339
[2005-03-08 22:25:29] - [Status] Spectator yomama [ 3b5a0c79-********-********-de7c3e45 ] joined the game
[2005-03-08 22:25:34] - [INSECURScLIENT] yomama [ 3b5a0c79-********-********-de7c3e45 ] IP: 81.70.6.* Security ID: 14 using v3339
[2005-03-08 22:25:34] - Found suspicious Function name 'TriggerBot' in class 'X.X'
[2005-03-08 22:25:34] - [Disconnect] yomama [ 3b5a0c79-********-********-de7c3e45 ] IP: 81.70.6.* Security ID: 14 using v3339
[2005-03-08 22:28:46] - [Connect] yomama [ 3b5a0c79-********-********-de7c3e45 ] IP: 81.70.6.* Security ID: 18
[2005-03-08 22:28:52] - [Init] yomama [ 3b5a0c79-********-********-de7c3e45 ] IP: 81.70.6.* Security ID: 18 using engine version3339 on Windows with D3DRenderDevice
[2005-03-08 22:28:57] - [Status] Ignoring spectator yomama [ 3b5a0c79-********-********-de7c3e45 ] IP: 81.70.6.* Security ID: 18 using v3339
[2005-03-08 22:29:07] - [Status] Spectator yomama [ 3b5a0c79-********-********-de7c3e45 ] joined the game
[2005-03-08 22:29:11] - [INSECURScLIENT] yomama [ 3b5a0c79-********-********-de7c3e45 ] IP: 81.70.6.* Security ID: 18 using v3339
[2005-03-08 22:29:11] - Found suspicious Function name 'TriggerBot' in class 'X.X'
[2005-03-08 22:29:11] - [Disconnect] yomama [ 3b5a0c79-********-********-de7c3e45 ] IP: 81.70.6.* Security ID: 18 using v3339

27th October, 2007, 07:23 AM
Killing Spree
Join Date: Feb 2007
Posts: 16
Bullshit, i never botted with my key.

27th October, 2007, 07:26 AM
Killing Spree
Join Date: Feb 2007
Posts: 16
Or trigger botted, all i used was a autotaunter, vardy you tool, i did NOT bot with this key or do any of the crap in which u said about it

27th October, 2007, 07:56 AM
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 97
well, if that is your new key. why are there bans on it from 2005 in NL? They might not of been you but they are on YOUR key.
and, as i have said before to you. you have had many chances to stay clean, but however you always find a way to ruin it for yourself, whether it be using stolen keys or cheating again.
and now, i dont believe you deserve anymore chances as you have had enough before.
my bans will not be lifted, and now i have no control over these global bans. it is upto the admins to decide upon this
<Wormbo> meh, now I remember why I stopped working on it about 3 years ago
<Wormbo> my code makes me angry
<Wormbo> it's utter crap

27th October, 2007, 08:21 AM
Killing Spree
Join Date: Feb 2007
Posts: 16
I have no god damn idea how the nl noob got my cd-key, maybe a server cd-key stealer? i Dont have the faintest clue, I was clean and i still am, but you decided to ban me because i played in a server with my friends,i never went on your server, cause i knew you would ban me andway regardless if i was clean or not. Which is unfair, and i hope that the admins here or whoever runs utan will see that. Clearly from the logs it was the nl guy who was botting, not me, there is no evidence that i botted, nothing, no logs, no demorecs, nothing, so i dont see why i deserve this ban.

27th October, 2007, 08:24 AM
Killing Spree
Join Date: Feb 2007
Posts: 16
Fair enough, if i did bot, i would let this go, because i would know that you are right.
But i did NOT aimbot or triggerbot or w/e else. So i am not about to let this go.

27th October, 2007, 08:29 AM
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 97
firstly, it doesnt matter if it was you that botted or not.
and secondly, how can someone travel through time and space to steal your CD-key and use it 2 years ago?
and again, as i have stated before. MY ban is based upon your previous actions, which are 3 GISP bans and 3 global bans, which can be linked back to you directly.
<Wormbo> meh, now I remember why I stopped working on it about 3 years ago
<Wormbo> my code makes me angry
<Wormbo> it's utter crap

27th October, 2007, 09:36 AM
Killing Spree
Join Date: Feb 2007
Posts: 16
How the fuck am i suppost to know? Jesus christ vardy get off my fucking back and go work on clanbase or something. I did NOT STEAL THIS KEY.
And so what if i got previous warez bans, if i got a new cd-key, why are you so intent on banning it too? And as i stated before, i dont know how this happened, But i did NOT steal this cd-key

27th October, 2007, 10:15 AM
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 97
i dont want you on my server. simple as that. i did not however kick you from that server you were on the other day. one of my allies did that as he also does not want people like you on his server.
you have constantly shown that you do not intend to keep yourself clean. as on countless occasions you have been caught cheating. and again, i also believe i have another (recent) demo of you using a bot which has been recorded on your new key. i will provide a link for the UTAN admins to see if they want to view it.
as i have said, i dont want you on my servers because you are a known cheater. you have broken the rules too many times to recieve another chance.
can you please stop bringing this conversation in circles, most of these thing have been said before
<Wormbo> meh, now I remember why I stopped working on it about 3 years ago
<Wormbo> my code makes me angry
<Wormbo> it's utter crap

27th October, 2007, 10:36 AM
Killing Spree
Join Date: Feb 2007
Posts: 16
yeah well go on, show them a link then

27th October, 2007, 10:52 AM
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 97
well, i think the data already here is sufficient enough.
but if the UTAN ADMINS want the file, i will provide it
<Wormbo> meh, now I remember why I stopped working on it about 3 years ago
<Wormbo> my code makes me angry
<Wormbo> it's utter crap
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