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Unread 27th October, 2007, 05:59 PM
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UTAN Administrator UTAN Administrator is offline
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Listing ban updates since 2007-10-27 12:15:

1 updated non-global bans affecting this GUID:
GISP Ban #16206:
  Offender:   Dutchvale
  Ban Date:   2007-10-25 18:44:55
  Admin:      {DUB}VARDY
  Reason:     Other
              returning while banned with a new cd-key

  Other Info: suspected use of triggerbot:
Unread 27th October, 2007, 06:39 PM
UTAN Administrator's Avatar
UTAN Administrator UTAN Administrator is offline
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Listing ban updates since 2007-10-27 17:00:

1 updated non-global bans affecting this GUID:
GISP Ban #16213:
  Offender:   °UñStøPPäßLé°
  Ban Date:   2007-10-27 17:39:17
  IP:         213.202.183.*
  Country:    Ireland
  Host:       ???-???-???-???
  Admin:      [FFG]Smiley
  Reason:     Annoyance
              Supporting ban #5344, #5350, #16206 because of using cheats and being rude on the forums
Unread 27th October, 2007, 07:36 PM
CaptainBumFluff CaptainBumFluff is offline
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Originally Posted by UTAN Administrator View Post
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Listing ban updates since 2007-10-27 17:00:

1 updated non-global bans affecting this GUID:
GISP Ban #16213:
  Offender:   °UñStøPPäßLé°
  Ban Date:   2007-10-27 17:39:17
  IP:         213.202.183.*
  Country:    Ireland
  Host:       ???-???-???-???
  Admin:      [FFG]Smiley
  Reason:     Annoyance
              Supporting ban #5344, #5350, #16206 because of using cheats and being rude on the forums

This is a load of crap, I WASNT USING GOD DAMN CHEATS, and LOL at annoyance, take this god damn ban away, its ABUSE OF POWER, and you know that god damit, take the god damn ban away please
Unread 27th October, 2007, 07:38 PM
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Wormbo Wormbo is offline
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The number of keys you used so far suggests that you don't legally own the game and instead pick up any CD keys you can find to be able to play it after the last one was locked.
Feel free to prove the opposite, but until then the global ban will stay in place.

Note that GISP bans (i.e. non-global ones) can be placed by any UTAN user and only affect the UTAN user's own servers. Your attitude certainly doesn't help getting those lifted either.
Wormbo's UT/UT2004/UT3 mods | PlanetJailbreak | Unreal Wiki | Liandri Archives
<@Mych|Lockdown> ...and the award for the most creative spelling of "Jailbreak" goes to ... "Gandis Jealbrake Server"
Unread 30th October, 2007, 10:17 PM
CaptainBumFluff CaptainBumFluff is offline
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So if i can prove that this key is mine by showing you a pic, will you unban it?
Unread 21st November, 2007, 06:04 PM
somemate somemate is offline
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would just like 2 point out that ban #16209 has nothing to do with VM, although he was a past member...

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