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5th June, 2004, 05:22 PM
Administrator/UTAN Admin
Join Date: Jul 2003
Location: /home/limited/
Posts: 1,240
UTAN Goes Live!
 What is UTAN?!
Basically its a free public system to store your UT2004 GUID and IP server bans in such a way that they can be rolled out to all servers under your control automatically.
Part of the UTAN system allows the trusted admin's (Head Admin's at various GISP's) to add bans into our system so that they will be distributed to all servers running our server actor. We understand how controversial this could be and have setup the system so that if you don't want these global bans, so to speak, you don't have to receive them!
The system allows you to store you own bans for use of either your server or your GISP only, which are protected by a password. So storing all your bans in our system is possible making it very quick and efficient at sending the bans out to your servers.
If you have any questions about UTAN please post on our forums. If your ready to get your server UTAN protected please register on our web-site.
Unreal Trusted Admin Network
All views in the above post are that of the poster and not that of UTAN, unless otherwise stated
When you kill 6 people in Unreal Tournament it's a "Monster Kill", in Quake3 it's "Excellent", and in Counter-Strike it's "Kick Banned"
Last edited by Limited : 5th June, 2004 at 07:11 PM.

5th June, 2004, 08:31 PM
Join Date: Aug 2002
Location: Netherlands
Posts: 71
 Installed it
Damn this looks nice!!!

5th June, 2004, 09:15 PM
Holy Shit!!
Join Date: Nov 2002
Location: Canada.
Posts: 558
 Oaky Signed up :p
Have to add the Actor yet!
Thanks to all who have put there effort into creating this
this looks great, glad to be a part of it!!
aka ]SP[ExPulSion
]Sp['s Nutty Ctf/TDm Instagib server

5th June, 2004, 09:27 PM
Join Date: Apr 2004
Posts: 102
 very nice looking setup, lets get all admins to use this !!

6th June, 2004, 12:57 AM
Forum Newcomer
Join Date: Apr 2004
Posts: 1
 Sweet all signed up and running 

6th June, 2004, 04:08 AM
Administrator/UTAN Admin
Join Date: Jul 2003
Location: /home/limited/
Posts: 1,240
Originally Posted by LODEEP
Installed it
Damn this looks nice!!!
Thanks buddy! It's taken a while, but we are all pleased with this first release 
All views in the above post are that of the poster and not that of UTAN, unless otherwise stated
When you kill 6 people in Unreal Tournament it's a "Monster Kill", in Quake3 it's "Excellent", and in Counter-Strike it's "Kick Banned"

6th June, 2004, 04:09 AM
Administrator/UTAN Admin
Join Date: Jul 2003
Location: /home/limited/
Posts: 1,240
Originally Posted by Brando67
Oaky Signed up :p
Have to add the Actor yet!
Thanks to all who have put there effort into creating this
this looks great, glad to be a part of it!!
Thanks again, the comments are really appreciated! We hope for this to become a part of every servers standard install soon!
All views in the above post are that of the poster and not that of UTAN, unless otherwise stated
When you kill 6 people in Unreal Tournament it's a "Monster Kill", in Quake3 it's "Excellent", and in Counter-Strike it's "Kick Banned"

6th June, 2004, 04:09 AM
Administrator/UTAN Admin
Join Date: Jul 2003
Location: /home/limited/
Posts: 1,240
Originally Posted by tax
very nice looking setup, lets get all admins to use this !!
Thats the plan! 
All views in the above post are that of the poster and not that of UTAN, unless otherwise stated
When you kill 6 people in Unreal Tournament it's a "Monster Kill", in Quake3 it's "Excellent", and in Counter-Strike it's "Kick Banned"

6th June, 2004, 04:52 PM
Join Date: Jan 2003
Location: Germany.gif
Posts: 63
 good work...installed and working fine...hope that kills the cheaters live and that the most admins install and use it .

6th June, 2004, 11:31 PM
Holy Shit!!
Join Date: Nov 2002
Location: Canada.
Posts: 558
server Actor added!!!
 Seem's to be werkin fine!
Do I delete my Banned id's list now in my .ini
being Utan created it's own
Also , Will anybody check over my rather large ban list  ??

7th June, 2004, 03:37 AM
Administrator/UTAN Admin
Join Date: Jul 2003
Location: /home/limited/
Posts: 1,240
Originally Posted by Brando67
Seem's to be werkin fine!
Do I delete my Banned id's list now in my .ini
being Utan created it's own
Also , Will anybody check over my rather large ban list  ??
UTAN maintains is own banlist on your server, so once you have converted the banned id's to UTAN bans through the web-site, then yes you can delete them.
Who you ban on your server is up to you 
All views in the above post are that of the poster and not that of UTAN, unless otherwise stated
When you kill 6 people in Unreal Tournament it's a "Monster Kill", in Quake3 it's "Excellent", and in Counter-Strike it's "Kick Banned"

10th June, 2004, 11:50 AM
Join Date: Jun 2004
Posts: 57
I will install utan on my server today... I thinked about a way to avertise about teams killers. Now there is the way !
The only prob is that i have 2 global bans by Id on my server, one is a teamkiller (all is team killer) and a other is a guy banned for playing with at too high degree. How to not communicate the second ban and stay it local ?
 no reply needed i will find this myself..

10th June, 2004, 06:39 PM
Join Date: Jun 2004
Posts: 57
 Hi again,
I have a question, i am the admin and owner of a community server. My server is not for me a clan server and not really a GameServiceProvider but i provide freely a game service... The server is hosted by
So when i read the code of conduct of the utan website it seems that's admins that are not professional admins have no the right to communicate ppl who use aimbots, cheats, team kill, etc. ...
That's annoying..
But UTAN is a great thing. It is now up and running on my server.
Thanks for you help,

21st June, 2004, 05:47 PM
Originally Posted by PhoenixNewOne
Hi again,
I have a question, i am the admin and owner of a community server. My server is not for me a clan server and not really a GameServiceProvider but i provide freely a game service... The server is hosted by
So when i read the code of conduct of the utan website it seems that's admins that are not professional admins have no the right to communicate ppl who use aimbots, cheats, team kill, etc. ...
That's annoying..
But UTAN is a great thing. It is now up and running on my server.
Thanks for you help,
Well, if I were you, I would not give a flying **** about what the code of conduct says! If there are cheaters on your server, you have every right to kick, ban, llama, slap or whatever your heart desires to do to them!

22nd June, 2004, 02:00 AM
Administrator/UTAN Admin
Join Date: Jul 2003
Location: /home/limited/
Posts: 1,240
Originally Posted by PhoenixNewOne
So when i read the code of conduct of the utan website it seems that's admins that are not professional admins have no the right to communicate ppl who use aimbots, cheats, team kill, etc. ... 
The only thing it says is that normal users, ie. anyone who registers to use UTAN can't add UTAN global bans, which are bans which get sent out to all servers running UTAN.
Bans are occasionally updated to globals by the UTAN Admins, but it doesnt happen often.
All views in the above post are that of the poster and not that of UTAN, unless otherwise stated
When you kill 6 people in Unreal Tournament it's a "Monster Kill", in Quake3 it's "Excellent", and in Counter-Strike it's "Kick Banned"

22nd June, 2004, 02:01 AM
Administrator/UTAN Admin
Join Date: Jul 2003
Location: /home/limited/
Posts: 1,240
Originally Posted by [HT]AmbientByte
Well, if I were you, I would not give a flying **** about what the code of conduct says! If there are cheaters on your server, you have every right to kick, ban, llama, slap or whatever your heart desires to do to them!
Go read what UTAN is before making stupid comments like this.
All views in the above post are that of the poster and not that of UTAN, unless otherwise stated
When you kill 6 people in Unreal Tournament it's a "Monster Kill", in Quake3 it's "Excellent", and in Counter-Strike it's "Kick Banned"

1st March, 2005, 10:00 PM
Forum Newcomer
Join Date: Feb 2005
Posts: 2
 nice job
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