How does it come I missed that thread?
Meaby cuz of our main preoccupation,server advertisement
Thx to the one who initiated this Major Botting Problem thread,meaby he is reponsible in a part of the non-advertisement due to the bad publicity he made of the server,in case of an advertisement blocked by Epic.
As u said:
They have been banned time and time again but there is really no getting rid of them all.
Why inputing us a trouble urself ain't able to fix?
That server,when advertised was populated night and day.
That's kinda logic u'll find more cheaters on it than on a server which is populated only a few hours a day.
What should a 'decent' admin do when he joins the server,15 players on it,9 blatantly botting,the 10th asking for a link to a bot,one of the 5 spawnkilled others telling:
brb gonna reinstall my 'insert name of a bot here'
what should have I done,ban 11 of the 15 players?
I rebooted server and told:
Lay low with the botting thing or server gonna get closed.
Worked for a couple of hours.
True,no way to ban,run anticheat or install UTAN
Some people follow ur suggestion Muffin,they buy the retail version,try to find a populated server,find none (most of the full version servers are empty or with a few players) and go back to the most populated servers: on the demo!
Demo servers suck by design
True.Epic doesn't want the demo servers beiing protected,why in this case would potential customers buy the retail version?
What they forgot is why potential customers would spend 10 buckets to buy an already 2 years and a half old game?
When the best maps and gametypes are already in the demo?
When it's so easy to find a link to DL a bot to kill the botters.
Bomb?red button?
Nice suggestions m8
A bit late tho,server already destroyed once by virus upload and near daily target of DOS attacks.
@EpicGames,mr abuse
It would be kind from u if u gave a reply to our mails asking if server advertisement has been blocked or if we have to look for a technical issue.
If u have blocked server,remember serveradmins have no real way to fight cheats and hacks and spend time and sometimes money to run servers for the UT community.
They are in any way responsible of that "Major Botting Problem"
How does it come we run a demoserver?
Cuz we prefer running a full (of players) demo server than an empty (matter of players) full version server.