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Unread 3rd March, 2005, 02:30 PM
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Default Automating UTStats Import

Here are a few ways to make it automated @ GNU/Linux:

1) UTServer and UTStats @ the same BOX, using Cron

Let's prepare the import.php first, open it and comment the 6th line, it should look now like:
// Get key from web browser
//$adminkey = $_GET[key];
Then uncomment the 13th line:
$adminkey = $argv[1];
* don't forget about setting the $akey in the 3rd line to somewhat like "mypassword"
*php command may require a full path to the binary for example /usr/local/php5/bin/php

You should try running the script manually first to find out if everything is ok.
cd /your/utstats/main/path
php import.php "mypassword"
Now you should see some crappy html output and import procedure if there were any logs.

Ok, we're on the good way to make it working. In your /home directory create a script "utstatsimport"
for file in `ls /your/path/ut-server/Logs/Unreal.ngLog*.log 2> /dev/null`; do
mv $file /your/utstats/main/path/logs > /dev/null
cd /your/utstats/main/path
php import.php "mypassword" > /dev/null
*CHANGE THE PATHS TO UTSERVER AND UTSTATS!! don't forget about the password !
.. and make it executable
chmod +x utstatsimport
*php command may require a full path to the binary for example /usr/local/php5/bin/php

Better check this script on few logs now to avoid searching the mistakes in the future.

Now setting the cron. Create a file called "mycrontab" with this content

# run-parts
* * * * * ./utstatsimport
*change the home to your own !!!

now the last one is to run a little command in your home:
crontab ./mycrontab
The script should be runned now about every one minute.
2) UTServer and UTStats @ the same BOX, without Cron(stupid admin)

Use the point's 1 hints to the moment you have to create the utstatsimport script, the script itself has to be different:

while [ 1 ];do
for file in `ls /your/path/ut-server/Logs/Unreal.ngLog*.log 2> /dev/null`; do
mv $file /your/utstats/main/path/logs > /dev/null
cd /your/utstats/main/path
php import.php "mypassword" > /dev/null
sleep 1m
*CHANGE THE PATHS TO UTSERVER AND UTSTATS!! don't forget about the password !
*php command may require a full path to the binary for example /usr/local/php5/bin/php

Make it executable
chmod +x ./utstatsimport
and just run it by
./utstatsimport &
To stop it use the command
killall -9 utstatsimport
3) UTServer and UTStats on different boxes .. whatever.

I won't describe how to use the ftp stuff in utstats php part here cause I just don't use it, haha. I'll just tell you how to trigger the import.php script.

3a) With cron ....
Create a script in your home, called "utstatsimport" with content:
lynx -dump "'mypassword'"  > /dev/null
*Change the mypassword to your own !!!
Make it executable with
chmod +x ./utstatsimport
Now create a file called "mycrontab" also in your home with this content:

# run-parts
* * * * * ./utstatsimport
*change the home to your own !!!

now the last thing you should do is to run a little command in your home:
crontab ./mycrontab
3b)If the admin is lame and you cannot use cron ...

Create a script in your home, called "utstatsimport" with content:
while [ 1 ];do
lynx -dump "'mypassword'"  > /dev/null
sleep 1m
*Change the mypassword to your own !!!
Make it executable with
chmod +x ./utstatsimport
and just run it by
./utstatsimport &
. To stop it use the command
killall -9 utstatsimport
[email address]

Last edited by Rush : 3rd March, 2005 at 02:40 PM.
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Unread 3rd March, 2005, 07:34 AM
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Nice work Rush as always

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Unread 3rd March, 2005, 07:44 AM
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I just hope it is clear enough and do not contains any bugs.
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Unread 3rd March, 2005, 12:30 PM
toa toa is offline
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A little suggestion for those people who don't have access to cron jobs (and/or lame admins ): WebCron.
You just have to enter "" in the URL field. Don't forget to click 'enable' after you created your task.
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Unread 3rd March, 2005, 12:46 PM
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Originally Posted by toa
A little suggestion for those people who don't have access to cron jobs (and/or lame admins ): WebCron.
You just have to enter "" in the URL field. Don't forget to click 'enable' after you created your task.
Nice one
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Unread 9th March, 2005, 01:15 AM
THE_WHO THE_WHO is offline
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or use this
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Unread 25th April, 2005, 02:15 PM
Matthew Matthew is offline
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hmm I'm having trouble with import.

I had to run webcron. I have my account, and all is well webcron wise. It is enabled, and runs every hour. Problem is, when I go to see RECENT MATCHES, it doesn't appear that they have been processed. I check webcron, and it said all was well. I opened the cron's log. The stats FTPed fine, and then were deleted, as they are supposed to be. Well now for some reason those new games are not getting truely imported. Any suggestions?

I have my cron task pointed at:*******
The task is ENBALED and runs fine, no errors


I will mention that:
UTStats, when I manually import, changes the current page automatically about 4 times as it imports the tables. Could webcron just not be allowing the tables to be imported?

Also just after a manual import, a small amount of files were FTPed, but many many matches were just imported and were already up there... so I believe they are uploading correctly.

Last edited by Matthew : 25th April, 2005 at 03:53 PM.
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Unread 25th April, 2005, 05:36 PM
Matthew Matthew is offline
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Hey I got it... not sure if it is the "right" way to do it but it works so...
In IMPORT.PHP I have changed
$logdir = opendir('logs');

while (false !== ($filename = readdir($logdir)))
//Our (self set) timelimit exceeded => reload the page to prevent srcipt abort
	if (!empty($import_reload_after) and $start_time + $import_reload_after <= time()) {
		if (!$html) die('Time limit exceeded - unable to reload page (no HTML output)' ."\n");

		$elapsed = $elapsed + time() - $start_time;
		$target = $PHP_SELF ."?key=". urlencode($adminkey) ."&amp;".str_rand()."=".str_rand()."&amp;no_ftp=1&amp;debug=$debug&amp;files=$files&amp;elapsed=$elapsed";
		echo '<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="2;URL='. $target .'">';

		echo'<br /><table border="0" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="2" width="720">
			<td class="heading" align="center" colspan="2">Maximum execution time exeeded; restarting ...</td>


	$oldfilename = $filename;
	$filename = 'logs/' . $filename;
	$backupfilename = 'logs/backup/' . $oldfilename;

$logdir = opendir('logs');

while (false !== ($filename = readdir($logdir)))
// ----------------------- EDIT FOR WEBCRON-----------------------
//Our (self set) timelimit exceeded => reload the page to prevent srcipt abort
//	if (!empty($import_reload_after) and $start_time + $import_reload_after <= time()) {
//		if (!$html) die('Time limit exceeded - unable to reload page (no HTML output)' ."\n");
//		$elapsed = $elapsed + time() - $start_time;
//		$target = $PHP_SELF ."?key=". urlencode($adminkey) ."&amp;".str_rand()."=".str_rand()."&amp;no_ftp=1&amp;debug=$debug&amp;files=$files&amp;elapsed=$elapsed";
//		echo '<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="2;URL='. $target .'">';
//		echo'<br /><table border="0" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="2" width="720">
//		  <tr>
//			<td class="heading" align="center" colspan="2">Maximum execution time exeeded; restarting ...</td>
//		  </tr>
//		  </table>';
//		include("includes/footer.php");
//		return;
//	}
	$oldfilename = $filename;
	$filename = 'logs/' . $filename;
	$backupfilename = 'logs/backup/' . $oldfilename;
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Unread 25th April, 2005, 05:41 PM
toa toa is offline
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Originally Posted by Matthew
I had to run webcron. I have my account, and all is well webcron wise. It is enabled, and runs every hour. Problem is, when I go to see RECENT MATCHES, it doesn't appear that they have been processed.
Tecnically there is no difference between a connection from your browser and the webcron thinghie. Both request a webpage.
The importer will stop after $import_reload_after seconds (config.php). It asks your browser to reload the same page again until it processed all the files. Webcron does not obey these requests, so your import script won't run long enough to do all the work. You may increase this value depending on your php's max_execution_time (check phpinfo()) or even set it to 0 if safe mode is disabled.
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Unread 19th December, 2005, 08:08 PM
khaytsus khaytsus is offline
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What about just putting the script in the LocalBatcherURL and making sure bBatchLocal is on? Works for my server so far, and no cron script.

I rolled my own script to handle the moving of logs and running import, nothing new there though. Pretty crappy bash kludge really.
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Unread 7th July, 2006, 03:52 AM
2399Skillz 2399Skillz is offline
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Think we can get an update to this?

Lines 6 and 13 are totally different than what you have up there.

Get your files
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Unread 7th July, 2006, 04:03 AM
2399Skillz 2399Skillz is offline
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Apparently they aren't needed anyway.

I didn't have to do most of the stuff in that tutorial for the new version to get the stats automated, though your cronjob scripts did do the work just fine.

Editing the import.php file as you mention didn't require anything.

Well I take that back, I did comment out the 21st line.
if (!isset($adminkey)) $adminkey = 'password;

Took me a while to figure it out, I thought it was the method I was working, when come to find out the web server user didn't have access to the Logs directory on the server, once I set those permissions it was able to move the files, and add them to the database just fine.

Get your files
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Unread 7th July, 2006, 01:32 PM
2399Skillz 2399Skillz is offline
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I take that back, something isn't working.

The cronjob didn't appear to work correctly, so I tested the file the cronjob called for and it gives me two errors. So I ran the manual script (stupid admins) and it did something but I have no idea what.

Get your files
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Unread 7th July, 2006, 01:53 PM
Matthew Matthew is offline
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Why not use crowbar's mutator and save yourself a lot of physical pain?
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Unread 7th July, 2006, 02:15 PM
2399Skillz 2399Skillz is offline
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Because I have access to cron jobs on my server and I'd rather do it that way, than adding another serveractor to the game server.

Get your files
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