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31st January, 2006, 10:41 PM
Join Date: Jun 2004
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[Release] AnthChecker v1.37
# AnthChecker v1.37 #
# by )°DoE°(-AnthraX #
1) What is it?
AnthChecker is an advanced unrealscript-based cross-platform packagechecker.
|| Please take a few minutes to read this document, it will spare you and me a lot
|| of trouble.
2) What does it do?
AnthChecker will validate every client (including clients that run Linux/MacOS)
after they enter the server. Depending on the server's settings AnthChecker will:
* Perform selfchecks to prevent clients from redirecting/bypassing the checking routines
* Perform CRC (Type 1) checks on files that should be identical on the server and on the client (files like UTPure.u)
* Perform CRC (Type 2) checks to identify the client's skintextures and kick if they're hacked
* Perform MD5 checks to identify the client's renderdevice and kick if it's hacked
* Perform MD5 checks to identify the client's libraries and kick if they're hacked
* Scan for disallowed files
3) Installation
To install AnthChecker on your server:
1. Unzip the contents of this zip package in your server's system folder.
2. Open your server's unrealtournament.ini file and find the line that reads "[Engine.GameEngine]".
3. Add these lines under it:
4. Move to the end of your UT.ini file and add these lines
(you can find the explanation of the settings under 4) Settings):
5. Restart your server
4) Settings
You can easily change the AnthChecker settings by opening your server's ini file and changing
the lines you added at the end.
bKickUnknownRenderer : set to false if you don't want to kick clients with an unknown renderdevice
bKickUnknownLibrary : set to false if you don't want to kick clients with unknown libraries
bKickUnknownSound : set to false if you don't want to kick clients with unknown soundpackages
bKickUnknownSkin : set to false if you don't want to kick clients with unknown skinpackages
bBroadCastJoin : set to false if you don't want to broadcast every client's nickname/renderdevice/operating system after the validation
bBroadCastIPs : set to true if you want to add the client's IP's to the bBroadCastJoin messages
bExternalNotify : set to true if you want AnthChecker to send playerjoin reports to other mods (requires compatible mod)
bSelfCheck : set to false if you don't want to perform a crc check on the anthchecker client package
bPureCheck : set to false if you don't want to perform a crc check on the utpure package
bEUTCheck : set to true if you want to perform a crc check on the EUT package
bSkinCheck : set to false if you don't want to perform crc checks on the skintextures
bSoundCheck : set to false if you don't want to perform a crc check on the female2voice package
bShowConsoleMessages : set to false if you don't want to display what's going on in the client's console
bReceiveUpdates : set to false if you don't want to receive info about new renderdevices from the AnthChecker masterserver
bReportCheats : set to false if you don't want AnthChecker to report cheating attempts to the AnthChecker masterserver
TimeOut : ammount of time the client gets to finish the checks (in seconds)
CheckDelay : ammount of time between the playerjoin and the start of the checks (in seconds)
Packages[x] : you can manually add files to crc (type 1) check here
syntax: <file extension>,<filename>,<packagepercent (1-255)> (*)
bExternalLogs : set to false if you don't want to log AnthChecker's kicks to external files
LogPrefix : Prefix of the external logfiles (default: [AC])
LogPath : The path in which the external logfiles are stored (default: ../Logs/)
ACLinkMode : set to 1 if you want to delay the updatescheck
ACDelay : ammount of time before the updatescheck begins (in seconds, only needed if ACLinkMode=1)
!! Important !!: Due to the limitations of the unreal engine, you're not advised to manually add files.
If you do decide to do so, use a small packagepercent, UT will usually crash after crc checking
10Mb of data.
(*) if for example you want to perform a crc type 1 check on the 10 first bytes of every 255-byte block of CTF-Gauntlet.unr,
you'd have to add "unr,CTF-Gauntlet,10" (without the quotes)
5) History
v1.37 (Public):
* [Changed] Removed an instruction in the HTTP Client that might have caused crashes on some linux servers
* [Added] Options ACLinkMode and ACDelay. These options can be used by those who experience problems with the auto-updates.
v1.36 (Internal):
* [Fixed] Bug that prevented the manual package adding option from working.
v1.35 (Internal):
* [Changed] Disabled the cachecleaner for MacOS. This will resolve type 3 kicks on MacOS 9.x.
v1.34 (Public):
* [Fixed] Security flaw in the clientcode. Could have been used to redirect CRC Checks.
* [Fixed] Timeout issues caused by a typo in the serverside code.
* [Added] Option bKickUnknownSound
* [Added] Option bKickUnknownSkin
v1.33 (Public):
* [Changed] Minor security update in the clientcode
v1.32 (Internal):
* [Changed] Improved the active renderdevice detection (should resolve some type 1 kicks)
* [Changed] Some improvements in the actor code
* [Added] Hashes for a lot of libraries (UTCacheCleaner, UTWinAmp, UTDCv17b, OldUnreal MediaPatches, UT v436 Linux, Editor binaries)
* [Added] Posibility to broadcast playerjoins to other mods (bExternalNotify option)
* [Added] bEUTCheck option
* [Added] bExternalLogs option
* [Fixed] Bug in the HTTP updating code
* [Fixed] Bug that caused timeouts if bGUIDCheck was still in the ini file
v1.31 (Public):
* [Fixed] Critical bug in the packet handler that caused random timeouts for some players
v1.30 (Public):
* [Added] Packet handler that allows the client to send long strings to the server without making it crash
* [Added] Extra selfchecks to prevent CRC redirection
* [Added] New hashes
* [Added] Option CheckDelay to specify the number of seconds between the playerjoin and the start of the checks
* [Added] Checks to detect illegal libraries loaded by the client, some cheatcoders use this exploit to bypass UTDC
* [Added] Option bKickUnknownLibrary
* [Added] Server receives updated library whitelists from the masterserver (only if bReceiveUpdates is set to true)
* [Changed] Option bKickUnknown renamed to bKickUnknownRenderer
* [Changed] AC no longer uses a mutator for client-server communication
* [Changed] Removed Type 8 (GUID) kick
* [Changed] Clients can see which files are being checked by AnthChecker
* [Changed] Rewrote some routines for better performance
* [Changed] Forced the client to regenerate GUID if it's not valid
* [Changed] New cache cleaner code for mac/linux -> no more reconnect window
* [Fixed] Type 1 kicks caused by a bug in the pathsparser
* [Fixed] Some false type 7 (disallowed files) kicks
* [Fixed] MacOS issues
v1.29 (Public):
* [Fixed] Some false GUID kicks
* [Added] New renderhashes
v1.28 (Internal):
* [Changed] Rewrote some laggy core routines
* [Changed] bSkinCheck now picks 2 random skins to check instead of 7
v1.27 (Public):
* [Fixed] Players getting kicktype 8 because of the slow connection between the UT server and the masterserver
* [Fixed] Illegal GUID's for linux clients with v451
* [Changed] Linux/Mac Cachecleaner can move multiple files at one time
v1.26 (Internal):
* [Added] Routine to find cached files even when the cache.ini file is corrupted
* [Added] Option bBroadCastIPs
* [Added] AnthChecker version gets logged to the external logs
* [Changed] Players get to see the URL of my forum + AnthChecker version/build when they get kicked
v1.25 (Internal) :
* [Added] Extra GUID check
v1.24 (Internal) :
* [Fixed] bug in masterserver encryption
* [Fixed] bug in the skinidentification (players with unknown skins were allowed to enter the server)
* [Fixed] Linux/Mac timeouts
* [Fixed] Critical bug that broke every mutator loaded after AnthChecker (this also affected SmartCTF/BDBMapVote/3dfxmapvote/...)
* [Fixed] bug that caused a lot of type 1 kicks (failed to generate checksum) for cached files (only happened for clients with corrupted cache.ini files)
* [Added] options LogPath and LogPrefix for the external logs
* [Added] Support for clients that have multiple system/textures/... folders
* [Added] Blocked "EnhancedSkins"
* [Added] New hashes for several renderers
* [Added] GUID verification (so far, this is only used for the masterserver)
* [Added] AnthChecker automaticly adds itself to the serverpackages list if needed
* [Changed] names of the Ref1 skins to Ref 1/Warez
v1.23 (Public) :
* First public release
6) Thanks to
- Azazel & UnrealAdmin : for hosting the UTGL masterserver and my forum
- Nuffy & Magma : for providing betatest servers
- Cratos : for providing renderdevices and a betatest server
- TNSe : for advice/ideas/help
- Just_Me : for advice/ideas/help
- Sardukar : for advice/ideas/help
- Obsidian & Rush & Neopythe : for linux betatesting
- ZorroTheFox & The_Dave : for MacOS betatesting
- Petr Jelinek : for the original MD5 code
7) Feedback & Support
I've just uploaded a new build of the serverfile. Changes Build 3:
* [Fixed] Server crashes due to the auto-updater
* [Added] New library definitions
* [Added] Optional debug messages from the auto-updater
Changes Build 4:
* [Fixed] HTTP Updates not working correctly
* [Added] New hashes (UTGLR d3d 1.3, UTDC20b, ...)
* [Added] Extra routine to kick players with a hacked AC (was already present in v1.38 build 7)
* [Changed] HTTP Updater class replaced by the v1.39 build
Last edited by AnthraX : 1st August, 2007 at 08:01 PM.
31st January, 2006, 11:05 PM
Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: Germany
Posts: 87
Sounds good ..
I'll try it
1st February, 2006, 08:38 AM
Holy Shit!!
Join Date: Jan 2005
Posts: 514
Great stuff as always - I'll take that, as the nice policemen once said to me..
ProjectFrag - Research & Development
- PjF - Your UT community pickup servers -
1st February, 2006, 11:05 AM
Holy Shit!!
Join Date: Oct 2004
Posts: 1,205
Will try it later. I'm sure it's good though :>
1st February, 2006, 06:15 PM
Killing Spree
Join Date: Dec 2003
Location: Hungary
Posts: 21
Not bad, but autoupdate makes my servers (a linux and an FGS server) crush... i think the server dont let the checker connect to web.. or i dunno exactly.. nm.. its workin if i turn it off
1st February, 2006, 06:33 PM
Holy Shit!!
Join Date: Apr 2004
Location: Houston, TX
Posts: 1,566
Nice Work Anthrax!
Muchos Thank You's
2nd February, 2006, 12:05 AM
Forum Newcomer
Join Date: Jan 2006
Posts: 3
ah, a fix for the http client, sounds good... lets hope it won't crash anymore now
3rd February, 2006, 01:53 AM
Join Date: Mar 2005
Posts: 54
### -------------------------------------------------------------
### -------------------------------------------------------------
### - Player OS : Windows
### - EngineVer : 436
### - RenderDev : Direct3D D3DDrv.dll
### - RenderVer : UT v436 D3D Renderer - Alternate/GOTY
### - RenderChksm : 1BA51598B5D506026A479FA92B94A278
### - RenderSize : 217088 bytes
### - TimeStamp : 02-02-2006 15:01:11
### ----------------- Additional information -----------------
### - GUID : [ZMRe>=>e8<3673866<e89@9?@;=e=9224_1288103782
### - GUID Valid : True
### - KickType : 8
### - AnthChecker : v1.37 (Build 1)
### - Reason : Client loaded an illegal library! (possibly hacked)
### - File : UTDCv17c.dll
### - Checksum : 2c2d9d20108f97223b68cdf9245a1dfe
### -------------------------------------------------------------
3rd February, 2006, 02:10 AM
Holy Shit!!
Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 2,382
I'd assume the hash for UTDC17c isn't in there yet?
Maybe it's on the web, and you have AutoUpdates set to off?
Just ideas
3rd February, 2006, 04:18 AM
Join Date: Mar 2005
Posts: 54
Not really
And I tried it before with UTDC17c. And we had like dozens of other players.
Just plain weird
3rd February, 2006, 02:09 PM
Join Date: Jun 2004
Location: Ghent (Belgium)
Posts: 1,380
v1.37 contains the hash for UTDCv17c.dll, weird...
4th February, 2006, 01:43 PM
Killing Spree
Join Date: Dec 2003
Posts: 39
I have upgraded from 1.34 to 1.37.
When I try to enter in my server, this is what I obtain:
In my log there is that about this error:
### -------------------------------------------------------------
### -------------------------------------------------------------
### - Player name : Test
### - Player IP : XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX
### - Player OS : Windows
### - EngineVer :
### - RenderDev : OpenGL OpenGLDrv.dll
### - RenderVer : UTGLR v2.7 OpenGL Renderer
### - RenderChksm : 0939A81DFF8E4B32E8FF5F3F5824594A
### - RenderSize : 118784 bytes
### - TimeStamp : 04-02-2006 13:34:56
### ----------------- Additional information -----------------
### - GUID : _0
### - GUID Valid : False
### - KickType : 99
### - AnthChecker : v1.37 (Build 1)
### - Reason : Client Timed out!
### -------------------------------------------------------------
With 1.34 version and:
I had no problem.
CRC files checking made by AnthChecker are the same from 1.34 to 1.37.
Thanks in advance.
4th February, 2006, 02:37 PM
Join Date: Jun 2004
Location: Ghent (Belgium)
Posts: 1,380
this happens when you do a CRC check on a file that's too big
4th February, 2006, 09:50 PM
Forum Newcomer
Join Date: Feb 2006
Posts: 6
An error
I cant enter in the servers. The Antchcheker kick me with the error of Female2Voice is possible hacking. I delete my UT (1 year with the same instalation) and i reinstall the UT. I enter in the servers and... THE SAME ERROR !!
I dont know what happen, may it be possible to be my game in Spanish?
I wait a solution
4th February, 2006, 10:18 PM
Holy Shit!!
Join Date: Apr 2004
Location: Houston, TX
Posts: 1,566
1. Erase anything starting with "Female2" in your UT Directory.
2. Then Connect to my Server and let my server give you the correct ones.
My Server IP is
3. Clean your UT Cache.
4. Try other Servers again.
Also, try not to demand things next time, poeple are less inclined to help people that demand something in which they have no experience in.
4th February, 2006, 10:33 PM
Forum Newcomer
Join Date: Feb 2006
Posts: 6
I cant start the UT without this files.
4th February, 2006, 10:36 PM
Holy Shit!!
Join Date: Jun 2004
Location: Bergen - Norway
Posts: 2,389
Skins and voices from the 436 GOTY CD:
Default skins and voices
4th February, 2006, 10:37 PM
Killing Spree
Join Date: Dec 2003
Posts: 39
Originally Posted by AnthraX
this happens when you do a CRC check on a file that's too big
I have to clear all extra packages checked by AnthChecker to avoid this problem....
With the previous version, 1.34, I had no problem.... weird?
4th February, 2006, 10:38 PM
Forum Newcomer
Join Date: Feb 2006
Posts: 6
But... which language?
I think all the spanish players will take the same problem. I think.
4th February, 2006, 10:53 PM
Forum Newcomer
Join Date: Feb 2006
Posts: 6
Originally Posted by PizzaMan
The same error with this files. Iam confused
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