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Unreal Tournament 2004

This is an overview of the server configuration settings for UT2004

The INI File

ProtocolDescription=Unreal Protocol
Port=7777 This is port the server will listen for connections on
client-side only
CacheRecordPath=../System/*.ucl The relative path to use for *.ucl files, which contain all gameinfo, mutator, weapon, etc. information. The game uses these files to determine which mutators, gametypes, etc. should appear in interface lists, such as webadmin or GUI.
These lines control which types of log messages are written. Each name corresponds to the prefixes of each line in the server's log.
These lines tell the server which directories different files are located in. By adding directories using the same syntax, you can have multiple map, texture, sound, etc. directories.
(Client-side only)
VoIPAllowVAD=False Determines whether this server allows voice activation for voice chat communication
ServerActors will be spawned at the beginning of each game.
ServerPackages are packages which any clients that connect are required to have on their system. If the client does not have one of these packages, the client will attempt to download it from the server. If a download is unsuccessful, the client will be unable to connect to the server.
ServerReadsStdin=False Only used for Linux servers. Specifies whether the server accepts input from stdin (console)
LogMaxConnPerIPPerMin=False Determines whether repeated connection attempts from an IP should be logged if more than MaxConnPerIPPerMinute has been exceeded for this IP. Generally, you should leave this set to false, as your server might experience lag under an attempted DDoS from all the logging.
MaxConnPerIPPerMinute=5 Maximum number of connections to accept from a single IP address in one minute. Part of the DDoS protection.
LogPortUnreach=False Determines whether ICMP "Port Unreachable" events should be logged.
AllowPlayerPortUnreach=False False causes server to cease sending packets to clients upon receiving an ICMP "Port Unreachable" message from that client (normally means the client has disconnected from the server).
DisableKSecFix=True Set to false to disable the security fixes added in 2199 (if your server is experiencing lag you feel is related to these security fixes)
MaxDownloadSize=0 Limit (in bytes) of the file size that the server will be allowed to send to clients (ignored if AllowDownloads=False). This setting only applies to files downloaded from the server itself, i.e. it has no effect on files coming from a redirect.
AllowDownloads=True True allows clients to download files directly from server if redirect is not available.
Thoroughly explained in this tutorial
MaxInternetClientRate=10000 Maximum rate the server will transmit data to clients (applies to downloads as well).
MaxClientRate=15000 Maximum rate the server will transmit data to clients if server is in LAN mode (applies to downloads as well)
ServerTravelPause=4.000000 Number of seconds to wait between sending the "mapchange" notification to clients, and actually changing the map
SpawnPrioritySeconds=1.000000 Number of seconds before a player is respawned after being fragged
RelevantTimeout=5.000000 Timeout (in seconds) for non-relevant actor replication. In most cases, you should never need to modify this value.
KeepAliveTime=0.200000 Seconds of inactivity before server will send a "keep-alive" packet to clients, to maintain an open connection
ConnectionTimeout=180.000000 Number of seconds server will wait for response from client attempting to connect before closing the connection
InitialConnectTimeout=200.000000 Number of seconds server wait for response from clients during the game before closing their connection
Redirection Tutorial
RedirectToURL= URL of redirect server
If your redirect server is behind a proxy, you'll need to put the proxy's public IP address here
UseCompression=True If "True", clients attempting to download files from the redirect server will add ".uz2" extension to the requested package, as well as perform decompression upon downloading.
LANPort=11777 (Client-side) Specifies the port clients should use to broadcast LAN server queries
LANServerPort=10777 Specifies the query port for LAN servers
List of valid master servers
DoUplink=True Specifies whether the server should connect to the master server. If set to false, the server will not appear in the Internet server browser
UplinkToGamespy=True Specifies whether the server should send heartbeat information to gamespy
SendStats=True Enable stats processing on this server
ServerBehindNAT=False If server is running behind a firewall that performs network address translation, this value must be set to True or your server will appear in the Internet server browser with a ping of N/A.
DoLANBroadcast=False In 3186, this setting has no effect. Servers running in LAN mode will always broadcast to the LAN
UpdateMinutes=1 How often to send updates to gamespy's master server. The property name is misleading, however, as the value is multiplied by 60 - a value of 1 means that a heartbeat will be sent to the gamespy master server every 60 minutes.
MasterServerPort=27900 Gamespy master server port. No need to modify this value
ServerRegion=0 Used by Gamespy servers to group servers according to region
GameName=ut2 Do not modify - query protocols use this to filter servers by game (UT, UT2, DE, Q)
bRestartServerOnPortSwap=True Generally, you should leave this value set to false. Setting this to true will cause the server to crash if a "portswap" is detected. Portswapping can will cause your server to not appear in the internet server browser, and if your server seems to be experiencing portswaps often, it's usually easier to use some sort of batch file to automatically restart the server after when this happens.
UtvPackage=UTV2004c Description Here
ViewMode=0 Description Here
ChatString= Description Here
wantBehindView=False Description Here
bChangeLevels=True Obsolete in UT2004. Servers always performs mapchanges now.
bEnableStatLogging=True Enables stat collection and processing on your server
bAllowBehindView=False Controls whether players are allowed to use behindview during the match
bAdminCanPause=True True allows admins to pause network games (Set to false to prevent game from being paused by bringing up the menu as a logged in admin)
bWeaponShouldViewShake=True When enabled, some weapons cause view shaking while firing
GoreLevel=2 Amount of gore displayed in the game
GameDifficulty=1.000000 Difficulty of single player game
GameSpeed=1.000000 Percentage of "normal speed" that game will be played. 1.0 represents 100% (This setting is ignored in UT2004 - gamespeed is now controlled by a mutator)
MaxSpectators=2 Maximum number of spectator connections allowed
MaxPlayers=32 Maximum number of players allowed in the game
AccessControlClass=Engine.AccessControl Name of class which will handle all admin authentication
MaplistHandlerType= Maplist manager classname. Usually only set in child classes.
GameStatsClass=IpDrv.MasterServerGameStats Class name of server stats manager
SecurityClass=UnrealGame.UnrealSecurity Class name of server security manager
VotingHandlerType=xVoting.xVotingHandler Class name of mapvote/kickvote manager
ServerSkillLevel=0 Sets the skill level for the server. This value is used by the "Quick-Join" feature to find appropriate servers for the user's level of play. Valid ranges are from 0 - 2, where 0 stands for "Beginner". Unless your server is a standard server (i.e. no changes to default settings), it cannot be considered a beginner server.
MaxIdleTime=0.000000 Controls how long a player that is sending no input remains on the server before they are kicked for being idle. Set to 0 to disable.
bWeaponStay=false Controls whether weapons that were part of the map will "disappear" when picked up by a player
bAllowWeaponThrowing=True Controls whether players are allowed to drop weapons
ResetTimeDelay=0 Number of seconds between the round resets (only used for gametypes which have more than one round, such as Assault or Onslaught).
AutoAim=1.000000 Amount of assistance in aiming (single-player only)
MaxLives=0 Maximum number of lives players are given
TimeLimit=0 Time limit for this game
GoalScore=0 Game will end when this score is achieved
[UnrealGame.UnrealMPGameInfo] Values set here will override the values for identical settings in GameInfo
bPreloadAllSkins=false Forces clients to preload all .upl files and skins
MinPlayers=0 Bots join the game until this number of players is reached
bTeamScoreRounds=False Not currently used in the anywhere
EndTimeDelay=4.000000 Maximum amount of time after the game has been won before all gameplay stops (sort of)
BotMode=5 This setting is only used in the GUI, and has no effect on dedicated servers.
BotRatio=1.000000 Determines the ratio of bots to humans. Only used if you also pass ?VsBots=True on the commandline.
bAllowPrivateChat=True Determines whether each player will have a private voice chatroom.
[UnrealGame.DeathMatch] Values set here will override the values for identical settings in GameInfo and UnrealMPGameInfo
MinNetPlayers=1 How many players must join before the game will start
RestartWait=30 Amount of time to wait at the 'end of game' screen before the server begins the mapswitch
bTournament=False If enabled, game will not start until number of connected players if equal to the maximum number of players
bColoredDMSkins=False Use team colored skins in deathmatch gametypes.
bPlayersMustBeReady=False Players must "click in" for match to begin
bWaitForNetPlayers=True Wait until more than MinNetPlayers have joined before beginning match.
bAllowPlayerLights=False Determines whether players have a team colored glow at great distances. Aids in visibility and determining which team a player is on when they are far away. Only used in team games or in deathmatch games if bColoredDMSkins is enabled.
bForceDefaultCharacter=False True forces all players models to the default character model (Gorge)
NetWait=5 Time to wait for players in net games
bForceRespawn=False Enabled automatically respawns players when they are fragged. Otherwise, players do not respawn until they press Fire.
bAdjustSkill=False Controls whether bots will adjust their skill to match the player
bAllowTaunts=True Taunt animations are allowed during the game
bAllowTrans=True Allow translocator in the game
SpawnProtectionTime=2.000000 Number of seconds players are invulnerable after respawning
LateEntryLives=1 How many lives can be lost by any player before new players are no longer allowed to join (LMS)
LoginMenuClass=GUI2K4.UT2K4PlayerLoginMenu This will be the menu players see when they first login, as well as during the game, when the press escape



These values are used to prevent bots from having the same name. Whenever a bot is added to the game and it has the same name as another bot, the game will add one of the prefixes, suffixes, or both, to ensure that all bots have different names.
[UnrealGame.TeamGame] Values set here will override the values for identical settings in GameInfo, UnrealMPGameInfo, and DeathMatch
bBalanceTeams=True Bots will be placed on the team with the least number of players upon joining the game.
bPlayersBalanceTeams=True Players joining the game will be placed on teams according to team size, ignoring the players configured team.
FriendlyFireScale=0 Amount of damage inflicted when shot by teammates (1.0 represents 100%)
bAllowNonTeamChat=False Sets whether members of opposing teams are allowed to join each other's private voice chatrooms
[XGame.xDeathMatch] Values set here will override the values for identical settings in GameInfo, UnrealMPGameInfo, and DeathMatch
[XGame.xTeamGame] Values set here will override the values for identical settings in GameInfo, UnrealMPGameInfo, DeathMatch, and TeamGame
[XGame.xCTFGame] Values set here will override the values for identical settings in GameInfo, UnrealMPGameInfo, DeathMatch, and TeamGame
[XGame.xDoubleDom] Values set here will override the values for identical settings in GameInfo, UnrealMPGameInfo, DeathMatch, and TeamGame
TimeToScore=10 Number of seconds that both points must be held by one team before a point is awarded
TimeDisabled=10 Number of seconds after a point is awarded that control points cannot be captured
[XGame.xBombingRun] Values set here will override the values for identical settings in GameInfo, UnrealMPGameInfo, DeathMatch, and TeamGame
bBallDrainsTransloc=True Players must wait a few seconds after throwing the ball before they are able to translocate.
[BonusPack.xLastManStandingGame] Values set here will override the values for identical settings in GameInfo, UnrealMPGameInfo, DeathMatch, and xDeathMatch
CampThreshold=600.000000 Area (in UU) that a player must move to not be considered camping.
ReCamperWarnInterval=10 How often a camper receives the warning message.
bHealthForKill=False Players receive health for fragging other players
bAllowSuperweapons=False Super Weapons allowed
bCamperAlarm=True Enables camper protection
bAllowPickups=False Pickups allowed
bAllowAdrenaline=False Whether adrenaline is allowed in the match
bFullAmmo=True Players start the match with full ammo in all weapons.
[BonusPack.xMutantGame] Values set here will override the values for identical settings in GameInfo, UnrealMPGameInfo, DeathMatch, and xDeathMatch
bEnableBottomFeeder=True The lowest-scoring player is considered the bottom-feeder, and is allowed to shoot other players.
[SkaarjPack.Invasion] Values set here will override the values for identical settings in GameInfo, UnrealMPGameInfo, DeathMatch, TeamGame, and xTeamGame
WaveConfigMenu=GUI2K4.UT2K4InvasionWaveConfig Menu used in the GUI for invasion wave configuration
InitialWave=0 Index of wave game should start on when new map is loaded
FinalWave=16 Essentially, the number of waves in the game.
FallbackMonster=Class'SkaarjPack.EliteKrall' This is the monster class the game will spawn if it cannot spawn one of the more advanced monsters (how this would occur, I don't really know)

Waves[0] - Waves[15]

See this section for a more detailed explanation of these settings
[UT2k4Assault.ASGameInfo] Values set here will override the values for identical settings in GameInfo, UnrealMPGameInfo, DeathMatch, TeamGame, and xTeamGame
RoundLimit=1 Number of rounds in the match
RoundTimeLimit=10 Time limit for each round
PracticeTimeLimit=60 Practive round is played at the beginning of every game, and is generally used to give all players a chance to load the map
ReinforcementsFreq=7 Maximum number of seconds between respawns.
[Onslaught.ONSOnslaughtGame] Values set here will override the values for identical settings in GameInfo, UnrealMPGameInfo, DeathMatch, TeamGame, and xTeamGame
OvertimeCoreDrainPerSec=20 The amount of health taken from each core every second during overtime
bRandSetupAfterReset=False Randomly select a new link setup after a round has been won
bMegaSpeed=False Obsolete (does nothing). These settings have been moved to a mutator.
AirControl=0.350000 Obsolete (does nothing). These settings have been moved to a mutator.
bBrightSkins=True Enables brightskins
bAllowCamouflage=True Camouflage combo enabled
bAllowPint=True Pint-size combo enabled
bAllowMultiHit=True Sets whether the instagib beam will stop when it hits players
ArenaWeaponClassName=XWeapons.RocketLauncher Only weapon in the game is the weapon specified by ArenaWeaponClassName. See this FAQ for a list of valid values for this setting.
NewGameSpeed=1.000000 Modifies the gamespeed (this is now the only way to modify the gamespeed).
bMegaSpeed=False All pawns move 1.5 times faster than other objects in the game
AirControl=0.350000 Amount of control players have while in the air (1.0 represents 100%)
bCanDoubleJump=True Enables/disables double-jumping.
bCanWallDodge=True Enables/disables wall dodging.
bCanDodgeDoubleJump=True Enables/disables double-dodge jumps.
bModifyWeaponDamage=True Makes weapon damage closer to UT1 values.
bClassicTranslocator=True Translocation behaves like the UT1 translocator.
MaxForce=200000.000000 Maximum force that can be applied to stunts
MaxSpin=80.000000 Maximum spin that can be acheived by vehicles
JumpChargeTime=1.000000 Number of seconds jump must be held to fully "charge" a vehicle jump.
VehicleMomentumMult=3.000000 Damage received by vehicles is multiplied by this amount.
Enables/disables replacement of the corresponding weapon with an onslaught equivalent.
Weapon classes to replace with onslaught weapons. See this FAQ for a list of valid values to use here.
ArenaVehicleClassName=Onslaught.ONSRV Only weapon in the game is the vehicle specified by the ArenaVehicleClassName setting. See this FAQ for a list of valid values for this setting.
bAllowTranslocator=True Enables / disables translocator in instagib matches
bAllowBoost=False Determines whether friendly fire transfers momentum (team boosting).
Overrides value for identical setting in MutInstaGib
AdminPassword= Admin password (single administrator system only)
GamePassword= If a value is specified, clients must provide a password to connect to the game. (Server will also accept any valid admin password)
LoginDelaySeconds=0.00000 How many seconds must pass after an unsuccessful login attempt before the admin may attempt to login again.
bBanByID=True Bans will be enforced using a hash of the client's CD key and the server's CD key. Enable this to prevent banned players with dynamic IP addresses from bypassing the ban

PrivClasses are loaded by the server when using the advanced administration system. They contain information about which privileges are available for admins & groups.
ServerName= This should really be called ServerAddress. This is the value that the webserver will use to convert relative URLs into absolute URLs. If this value is left blank, the webserver will attempt to fill it with the IP address of the server. Generally, this should be left blank, unless you are running the server behind NAT or using a multihome server.
The value of each Applications line is the name of the class responsible for handling connections to the path specified in the corresponding ApplicationPaths entry (Connections to //server.ip/ServerAdmin are handled by Applications[0], since that is the value for ApplicationPaths[0])
DefaultApplication=0 Specifies the application that will handle connections which provide no subpath (http://server.ip/ )
bEnabled=True Enables the UT webserver
ListenPort=80 This is the port that the webserver will listen for connections on
MaxConnections=30 Maximum number of open connections allowed to the webserver at the same time. If you find that you are getting lots of missing images or pages, try increasing this value.
ExpirationSeconds=86400 Much of the webadmin content is cached client-side to speed up processing of each request. This setting determines how long (in seconds) browsers should use the cached content before it is considered "stale".
MaxValueLength=512 Maximum length of variable value passed in a URL. There should never be any need to change these values
MaxLineLength=4096 Maximum length of a single line passed in the URL. There should never be any need to change these values
ActiveSkin= Currently active webadmin skin
AdminRealm=UT Remote Admin Server AdminRealm is used by some browsers to track cached username/passwords.
QueryHandlerClasses= Each of these classes handles a specific type of webadmin query. Default values correspond to the Current, Default & Admin areas of webadmin.
ServerName= This is what will appear in the server browser as the name of your server
ShortName= Currently not used for anything
ServerRegion=0 Used to indicate which area of the world the server was located in for the GameSpy Query protocol, but seems to be unused now
AdminName= Specifies the value that will appear in the Server Browser and the MOTD as the name of the admin of this server
AdminEmail= Email address that will appear in the server browser and MOTD as the admin's email address
MessageOfTheDay= The Message Of The Day appears for a few seconds when clients connect to your server
Thoroughly explained in this tutorial.
bMuteSpectators=False Enabling this prevents specs from chatting during the game
bPartitionSpectators=False Enable to prevent spectator's messages from being seen by players
bEnableVoiceChat=True Enables / disables voice chat on the server
bAllowLocalBroadcast=True Enables / disables the "Local" chatroom.
MaxChatters=0 Maximum players allowed in a single chatroom. 0 for unlimited.
LocalBroadcastRange=1000.000000 The maximum distance (in Unreal Units) at which a broadcast sent to the "Local" chatroom can be heard.
DefaultBroadcastRadius=20.000000 The distance (in Unreal Units) at which broadcasts sent to the "Local" channel begin to attenuate (fade). Set this value higher than LocalBroadcastRange to disable attenuation.
VoIPInternetCodecs=CODEC_48NB Voice chat codecs allowed in internet games. 48 is a lower quality codec that takes less bandwidth, while 96 is a higher quality codec but requires more bandwidth. 96 should only be allowed on LAN, unless your server has LAN-like bandwidth.
Voice chat codecs allowed in LAN games.
bLocalLog=False Enables / disables local stats logging.

Determines how the filename for each stats log will be generated. Valid values and their meanings are as follows:

%P Server Port %H Current Hour
%N Server Name %I Current Minute
%Y Current Year %W Day of the Week
%M Current Month %S Current Second
%D Current Date
ConfigArray=( See below for parameters )

These parameters are very similar to the paramaters for the bot configuration sections in the original UT's user.ini file.

Each "Config Array" entry must be one complete line, with each parameter seperated by commas.

For each custom bot, you must have one ConfigArray entry in your server's ini under this section. Here is an example entry.

Characters that should be on the red team (only used in single player).
Characters that should be on the blue team (only used in single player).
Characters that should be in DeathMatch games (only used in single player).
MapNum=0 Index of last played map for this maplist
Maps=DM-Antalus These sections determine the map rotation for your server
MapNum=0 Index of last played map for this maplist
Maps=DM-Antalus These sections determine the map rotation for your server
MapNum=0 Index of last played map for this maplist
Maps=CTF-Chrome These sections determine the map rotation for your server
MapNum=0 Index of last played map for this maplist
Maps=DOM-SunTemple These sections determine the map rotation for your server
MapNum=0 Index of last played map for this maplist
Maps=BR-Anubis These sections determine the map rotation for your server
MapNum=0 Index of last played map for this maplist
Maps=DM-Antalus These sections determine the map rotation for your server
MapNum=0 Index of last played map for this maplist
Maps=DM-Antalus These sections determine the map rotation for your server
MapNum=0 Index of last played map for this maplist
Maps=DM-Antalus These sections determine the map rotation for your server
MapNum=0 Index of last played map for this maplist
Maps=ONS-Torlan These sections determine the map rotation for your server
MapNum=0 Index of last played map for this maplist
Maps=AS-Convoy These sections determine the map rotation for your server

Invasion Wave Settings

There are 16 waves possible in the Invasion gametype. Each waves' settings are determined by the Waves[x] parameter in the SkaarjPack.Invasion section of the ini. The following is a more detailed explanation of those settings:

This parameter is used for random number generation, and really shouldn't be modified.
The maximum number of monsters spawned during a wave is determined as follows. Let's assume that WaveMaxMonsters is set at 16. If more than 4 players are connected, then the value of WaveMaxMonsters is multiplied by 2, or the number of players divided by 4, whichever is lower. This means that if 4 players were connected, for instance, then the actual max number of mosters for this wave would be (16 * (4 / 4)) or 16 * 1, which is 16. If 12 player are connected, the the max number of monsters in this wave would be (16 * 2), since 2 is less than (16 / 4). The actual maximum number of monsters that could be spawned during this wave would then be 32. You can use this formula to tweak exactly monsters you'd like players to be up against based on how many connections you allow on your server
Number of seconds the wave will last. If the maximum number of monsters for this wave have not been exterminated by the time this duration expires, all of the remaining monsters will be spawned immediately. Once this happens, any monsters that cannot be seen by any player are killed off, leaving players to finish up what's left.
Determines the difficulty (effectively which monsters are spawned) during this wave. Very similar to the bots' difficulty setting.

Custom Bot Configuration

Each additional custom bot parameter must follow a fairly rigid syntax, which is given in the following line. For each custom bot that you'd like to customize, you'll need to have a seperate ConfigArray line in the server's ini file under the UnrealGame.CustomBotConfig section.

[UnrealGame.CustomBotConfig] ;The following text should be on a single line

An explanation of the inner values is as follows:

CharacterName="Gorge" Name of character. Must match a character name in the .upl file.
PlayerName="The_Reaper" Enter whatever you like here. This will be the bot's name.
FavoriteWeapon="xWeapons.RocketLauncher" Class name of the bot's preferred weapon. I will create a list of valid classnames for this parameter as time allows.

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