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The UZ redirection service is provided by the Unreal Admin page to create a central page for compressed game content for Unreal Tournament, UT2003, etc.
The content is not provided by us, but by the generous people you can find on the "participants" page. They make their bandwidth available for this public and free service.
How does it work?
Using new features within UT, UT2003 and UT2004 we are able to "load
balance" various uz redirection sites via one url -
Who can use it?
The capability of using this service is totally client dependant.
Only the following clients can download content if you set your server ini to
our redirector:
- UT Clients greater than 451
Its advised to wait for the next UT patch when all clients will be
above 451 as at the moment you could have 436 clients connecting who would
not get redirected content
- UT2003 Clients greater than 2225
Its very likely most clients are using this version so its safe to use
our redirector
- Any UT2004 clients
How do i setup my server to use this?
Read the instructions page at the top.
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